Merry Christmas Teachers!
December 14, 2017
Every month we take goodies to local schools to show our appreciation to the teachers. This month we took some fun and bright dry-erase marker bundles to each teacher!
Back to School Teachers Gifts
September 06, 2017
Back to school means teachers need supplies too! The Fox Agency makes monthly visits to give goodies to local teachers to show our thanks!
Giving Back to the Bedford Fire Department
July 12, 2016
We had the honor of taking food and cookies to the Beford Fire Department. They were so friendly, we look forward to seeing them next month with more goodies. A huge thank you to our local heroes for all they do.
Visiting the Burleson Fire Department
July 13, 2016
We stopped in the Burleson Fire Department to thank our local heroes for all they do and to take them lots of water for these hot summer days, and some cookies too!
Farmers and The Fox Agency Love Teachers
May 26, 2016
Every month we give back to the teachers in our local school. Whether it be providing snacks or lunch, school supplies, or a variety of items they are in need of, it's truly and honor to do something for those who give so much to our community.